Monday, 8 July 2013

Munching dragonflies in the kitchen...?!

No, not to worry, no insects were harmed in the production of this blog post...

I just thought I would dig out some photos from our kitchen from earlier this spring...

... to somehow bring the interior theme back into the blog, before...

... I go off on one of my garden musings again, or perhaps...

... simply give in to the urge to make hundreds of thousands of biscuits 
with my new dragonfly cookie cutter...!

Sooo, if you do not hear from me again for some time...
it is very likely I can be found somewhere near a beach...
with a face that says... 
"Who... me? 
No, I did not just eat eighty-three dragonfly-shaped biscuits!
Of course not.

Wishing you a lovely July week,
filled with your favourite biscuits!


  1. Tea please, and some dragonfly biscuits!

    Have a wonderful summer, dear Helena. We just came back from Denmark!


  2. oh yes!!! more, more, MOOOOOORE !!!
    miss your beautiful pictures of your wonderful home!

    hugs and have nice holidays!

  3. Wow! Din kreativitet har visst inga gränser - nu bakar du trollsländekakor också! :) Så fint de flyger med jordgubbarna!
    Ditt kök är ju som en dröm! Åh, så vackert!
    Ha en fortsatt skön sommar!
    Kramar från soliga torpet!

  4. Two dragonflies please, they are so cute. The strawberries look yummy too.
    xo, Lissy

  5. Sweet dragonflies - and delicious! Lovely home. These are the days to enjoy outdoors and your garden is equally beautiful as your interior.

  6. Så vackra bilder Du alltid ger oss Helena.
    Jag tyckte Dina trollsländor var underbara. Jag önskar dej en fin sommar.
    Vill oxå säga att det blev en sammanblandning av två Helenor om Du tyckte jag skrev otydligt på Din blogg.Det blev till fel person, nu är allt klart.
    Kram till Dej

  7. The dragonflies look fab! I always read your blog but for some reason don't leave messages..I will do from now!
    I am foreign too so I feel identified many times on the view you have on things and how you describe places and ...
    Your house is beautiful and a quick question? where did you buy that beautiful zinc house (the one you can put candles's adorable!)
    I 'll be back!!
    Gaby Scaife

  8. What a fantastic idea!! Those dragonflies look delicious!!

  9. Hey, they look stunning, much too beautiful to be eaten:o). With this blog title, I already thought you've got a cat... mine would eat a real dragonfly anywhere :o).
    I love your kitchen! Especially the Belfast sink.
    Have a lovely Sunday
    x Alex

  10. I almost forgot how nice and open your kitchen-dining area is. so airy and bright looking. also love the hardwood floors.
    thank you
    Agneta in Arizona

  11. Varför bara tänka pepparkaksgubbar? Fram med måtten året-runt. Det har du rätt i. Och den med trollslända var ju något alldeles speciellt. Jättefin!

    Kram från Helen

  12. What a beautiful kitchen. I love how white and bright it is. Your photos are fantastic and the cookies look delicious! I am a new follower and I am looking forward to seeing more of your lovely home.

  13. WOW vad snyggt:) alltid lika uppiggande att kika in här.

    Om du vill gillar söta barnsaker kan du kolla in mitt butikstips idag:)

    Ha en härlig dag

    LOVE Maria at - en blogg om inredning

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