Monday, 25 March 2013

Blue skies and dreamy windows...

In a post last week, I mentioned having 'a thing' for doors. Well... the attentive among you may have spotted that I do have quite a crush on windows too... and the one in the photo above, in a nearby village,  became one of my favourites a couple of years ago when I first saw it in 'summer costume' (if you want to see what it looked like then, click here).

To me, there is something special about this house, and as it inspires a multitude of romantic country dreams for me, I think from now on I will refer to this window as "my dreamy window"... Is that a nod to Tina Turner's old song "Steamy Windows" you may wonder? Well, imagine if I allowed myself to do what I secretly would like to, wander up and peer into this darling house... now, I think my open-mouthed  staring would quite soon render that window rather steamy, so there is perhaps the link... But not to worry, I will behave perfectly appropriately and only admire it from a distance. Ehm, that is, armed with a snappety-snap-happy camera!

On a sunny walk a couple of weeks ago, my "Peeping Tom" tactics were still going strong, and peering into the back garden of this lovely old house, I saw the little moss-clad round "appendix" at the back. I can't quite seem to shake off my curiosity about what it might be? Storage, perhaps, but why the round shape? Either way, it has got all of the features (old stone, moss, curvy shapes) that make me sigh and mutter "I want one", clicking my tongue and scratching my head to figure out how I could make it happen... I mean, does one really need to justify wanting a round, moss-clad old thingamajig attached to one's house? Stranger things have been attached to houses, have they not?

And yes, this is exactly how blue the sky was that day. Not having been spoiled with this type of colourful eye candy for a long time, it was difficult not to lose oneself staring at its hypnotic blue glory, forgetting everything else for a sweet moment. As if invited to enhance this scene, two doves rested their feathery selves on top of this folly next to Corsham Court.

The beautiful local cemetery, where the old and anything but straight grave stones always inspire me to write a detective story or two...

Down by the lake, the rare rays of sun warming the bark of 
the old oak trees made them creak with delight...

... while the Canada geese did the obvious... well, geesy thing: make noise and 
shake their.. you know... whatever it is that geese might shake...

Now, may these bright and sunny images work their 
magic to conjure up some more days like this!
Happy Monday to you all!


  1. Having a topiary day and loving the first picture!
    xo,Lissy Parker

  2. Hi Helena
    What a gorgeous house and I understand completely that you'd like to have a closer look. I love those old English houses that's a reason why I like to watch Escape to the Country. Even when it only makes me more longing for such a dream home.
    Oh, and what a lovely blue sky you've got. Well, we haven't been spoiled with sunshine here neither. So thanks for sharing it :o).
    Have a joyful week.

  3. Hello Helena,

    amazing pictures as always - love them!!!
    Have a wonderful week.

  4. So, the curvy thing ?
    Well, it was a bread oven, lots of old houses where I live and in a small hamlet like mine there is a communal bread oven ( sadly not used anymore ) also a lavoir, a place for the women to do their washing and no doubt have a good chat.

  5. Ååh vilken inspirationskälla du är Helena!

    Blir alltid på glatt humör av att läsa dina textrader och se dina underbara foton! Den lilla tillbyggnaden had me at "round and mossy" och jag ställde mig precis samma fråga som du. Kanske fick vi svaret av Diane - Pilgrim at Kerjacob, här ovan? Så blev jag full-i-fniss av din "kyrkogårdsanalys" för precis så känner jag också ;) och som Alex nämnde (i kommentarerna) så är även jag omåttligt förtjust i "Escape to the Country" och har renoverat och möblerat flertalet av dessa hus redan, haha!!

    Ha en fin dag!
    Kram Sanna

  6. Idag våffeldagen!
    Underbara bilder, älskar den gamla kyrkogården.
    Vill önska en härlig påsk, vi har soligt och vackert men kallt!
    Nu drar vi till Alpach för att fira påsk med släkt och goda vänner.
    Vi hörs!
    Stor kram från mej till dej

  7. Som jag älskar dina bilder. Magiskt! Alltså den där kyrkogården... Underbart!

  8. So beautiful and relaxing place!

  9. I love your photos!
    Wishes you a pleasant evening! Carmen

  10. I just love doors...they are like the heart of a house. I feel like they give you a peek at what the owner holds dear! Karen

  11. beautiful places, beutiful photos :)

  12. Takk för att du delar med dig av dina underbara bilder! Jag får svår längtan efter england och våren, men fortsett bara :-)

  13. Jeg bare elsker bildene dine, så utrolig vakre! Får meg til å drømme om både England og svunne tider...
    God påske!

  14. I thought the same thing when I saw the picture of the old cemetery ~ beautiful. Makes me want to read all of the head stones and wonder about the lives the people resting there lived.


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