Friday, 6 September 2013

At last...

... a small sign of life ...!
Yes, I am indeed alive. And kicking. Mostly accidentally kicking sheep droppings on my many walks in the countryside here, where summer has been lingering and the air has had that lovely scent of promise, warm soil and cow dung. Well, the latter might not be my preferred perfume as such, but there is something so grounding, so wholesome about walking through agricultural land, that a whiff of fresh cow pat actually does add that je ne sais quoi that makes the picture complete somehow...

The summer of 2013 was glorious, the weather sensational and I simply could not bear to spend a minute more than necessary indoors. The blog was neglected and with life picking up speed again now, I dare not make any promises for regular posts anytime soon. But perhaps that is how it is sometimes, that one part of your life has to slow down in order to make way for other parts to evolve...? 

I hope you have all had a relaxing and soul-nurturing summer and that September has begun with smiles all around!



  1. Your apple photo is so lovely, autumny but fresh and summery too!

  2. Welcome back darling! I missed you! =)

  3. bästa finaste helena, ta hand om dig är inne och njuter av dina vackra bilder!
    varmkram lotten

  4. Ja vilken sommar vi fick och det känns som
    den dröjer sig kvar lite med varma soliga
    dagar. Så nog är det mer ett leende vi
    välkomnar hösten.
    Ha det gott

  5. En helt underbar sommar har vi haft här också och den verkar bara fortsätta!
    Ljuvliga bilder och så pastoralt med betande djur och vacker grönska! En njutning att vandra i ditt landskap kan jag tro.

    Ja, ibland vill man ju prioritera annat i livet! Ändå så glad att "se" dej här!
    varma septemberkramar

  6. so wonderful photos - I like it -

    many greetings from germany -


  7. Kära Helena,

    Jag kan riktigt se dig vandra omkring på den engelska landsbygden och njuta av livet. Med allt som kommer med lantlivet. ;)

    Sommaren 2013 har varit helt magisk och här i Skåne har vi denna helg fått njuta av underbar indiansommar. Temperaturer runt 20-25 grader i början av september. Helt sagolikt!

    Att blogga ska vara lustfyllt och fyllt med glädje. Inga dåliga samveten eller ångest. Vi bloggar när vi har tid och lust och livet tillåter det. Detsamma gäller kommenterande. För hur roligt det än är så är livet utanför skärmarna det som är viktigast. Det som måste komma först. Så kära vän, blogga när du har tid och lust. Vi finns här och njuter av dina vackra bilder och ord. Alltid. Det vet du.

    Ta hand om dig, krama om din fina familj och njut av sensommaren och allt det härliga som väntar runt hörnet i en stundande höst.♥

    Varm kram

  8. Lovely photos. Happy September!

  9. Take your time when you need it! Just don't desert us for good. Your blog and your photos are beautiful!

  10. U feel the same way. Your words are so lovely in expressing your heart. I have stepped Away from blogging for this entire year because I realized I was missing 'living'. I too prefer the outdoors and needed to get myself back out in it more! So I do understand. Blessing to you.

  11. I appreciate your beautiful photographs. But I too have wanted to spend more time outside than inside it has been a beautiful summer here (on the west coast of Canada)
    I hope you do keep blogging when you have a moment--it is appreciated!

  12. Nice to have you back :o). Lovely photos again and you're so right about the country side perfume :o). It's not the best, but it just belongs to the scenery. Hope that you won't stop bloggin completely... would miss you :o).
    Have a lovely Sunday

  13. Yes it was great !!!..enjoy your sunday ove from me...x !!

  14. Helena, thank you for tellig us that you are still alive! We were missing you -more than six weeks without news from the Swenglish Home are too much...

  15. Välkommen tillbaka...hann redan sakna dina fina bilder :)

    Ha det så bra

  16. Ahhh, cow pats and summer, the perfect combination to evoke memories of childhood adventures.
    My parents always encouraged us to get closer to nature and it was during one of their infamous bucolic summer expeditions that I can clearly recall chasing my poor shrieking sister whilst waving a newt at her, only to trip and go face first into a cowpat. Of course, I was not treated with therapeutic courtesy but did acquire the nickname 'Cowpat' for quite some time!
    Glad to hear you are having a great summer.


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