Sunday, 15 September 2013

The winds are changing...

Today when I went for my morning walk, the fields were full of sheep, crows and autumn. The sheep, who usually greet me with cheerful baah-baahs, were surprisingly silent. Perhaps they thought that the croaking wall of sound from the black feathers was enough noise for a Sunday morning, perhaps they were simply contemplating the changing seasons...

And the seasons are definitely changing. A different wind tickled my temples today, luring various strands of hair out of my ponytail and playfully throwing them straight into my eyes. The ducks in the lake told me in no uncertain terms that they were not impressed by my lack of bread for them, and the skies looked at least fifty shades of grey...

The photos in today's post are from the pretty little village of Monkton Farleigh, just a few minutes drive from here. It is apparently known for its underground mines of Bath stone, which have been converted into one of the largest Ministry of Defence underground ammunition stores in the UK. To me, however, it is known for its beauty, its quintessentially English... well, Englishness!

It is with a spot of melancholy that I say goodbye to the glorious summer that seemed to last forever, but it is also with a smile that I greet autumn. The colours, the crisp air, the cosy nights in... bring it on!
Wishing you all the most wonderful autumn days!


  1. I hope for some wonderful Indian summer days, but autumn will also be welcome!

    Big hugs, Ingrid

  2. Beautiful pictures, just what I need to cheer me up today with all the grey blowy weather we are having!

  3. Härligt med "Englishness" - stenhusen kan jag aldrig se mig mätt på.Tack för alla fina bilder! Varm hälsning

  4. Beautiful photos and words of autumns coming.

  5. So strange the way there IS something in the air - quite recognisable - yet so hard to put a finger on exactly. Changing colours, of course.....

  6. Such a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing the lovely photos!

  7. Lovely photos! After 20 years in Hawaii I still miss the changing seasons...

  8. Nastrojowe zdjęcia. Pozdrawiam :-).

  9. Ja, nu blåser nya vindar och allt har sin tid. Vi fick verkligen en helt otrolig sommar och sensommar här också! Igår känns det som om hösten började på riktigt här - en annan vind helt enkelt och det känns som om du ändå, precis som jag, välkomnar hösten!

    Underbara bilder som understryker det du talar om och tänker!

    Allt gott till dej!

  10. Hi I have just found your lovely Blog, I'm going to follow along. What wonderful photos, and it feels a lot like spring in Sydney.

  11. Hej! Här på höglandet har höst just gjort sitt intåg. Vårt vilsvin ser ut som ditt, nästan!! Så vackra bilder Du har gjort. Nu önskar jag dej en fin höst, nu tänder vi ljus och brasor och njuter. KRAM Christina

  12. A beautiful little village. Hard to imagine there are munitions stored there. Happy Autumn Days to you.

  13. Gosh... how I love the country you're living! You've photographed it perfectly and found just the right words for them. I'd love to pack my suitcase and just climb into the next plane although we have only recently returned from Scotland :o).
    Wish you a lovely start into autumn.
    xx Alex

  14. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your posts - as an ex-Cotswolder now living in very suburban Calgary I love visiting the homeland through your blog. Luckily we live within easy driving distance of a fairly famous mountain range (the Rockies!), and we're able to get out there most autumn weekends for the most stunning hikes, but there's just something about the Cotswolds....
    Caroline, Calgary

  15. A gorgeous selection of images to welcome in the autumn breezes Helena. The local tavern in Monkton Farleigh looks most welcoming with its guard of honour tree, the perfect pitstop for a windswept Swede.
    I really think I'm ready for Autumn this year, the Summer has been absolutely wonderful and whilst I do not want to wish it away immediately, I am pining for the crunch of leaves underfoot, the earthy scent of waning gardens, the delicious flavour of homemade soups and to sit by the fire listening to long-winded, shaggy dog stories.
    So nice to have you back round these here parts by the way!

  16. Very beautiful blog, I hope you enjoy mine too ...

  17. Dear Helena,

    I think we all neglected blogging these past few months, many said this must have been the most wonderful summer for decades. Me too spent most of my time outdoor. Summer is very short here up north! Nice to hear you enjoyed your time so much. The surroundings where you live are simply breathtaking, I enjoy looking at the lambs, the cottages / farmhouses, the meadows...I get the impression of unique architectural history as well.

    Wish you also wonderful Autumn days.

    ~ Aina ~

  18. I have just found your lovely blog, your pictures are fantastic :)

  19. I have just found your lovely blog, your pictures are fantastic :)

  20. Vilket urmysigt ställe för morgonpromenaden! Skulle ha svårt att hålla takten med tanke på allt att titta på :-) I morse när jag skulle dra ut soptunnorna.... var det riktigt kyligt. Filip ville t o m ha jacka på sig när han gick till skolan. Tror det var 5 grader då bara. Hösten är sannerligen här. Med besked. Det var liksom inte någon glidande övergång från sommar till höst utan det skedde från en dag till en annan. Men vilken sommar!! Den kommer finnas kvar i minnet länge. Förra veckan och veckan innan det trodde jag att vi skulle regna bort. Men nu har solen har äntligen återvänt och det börjar torka upp en gnutta. Hösten är ju så fin om det inte regnar för mycket. Men brasor och innemys inte fel det heller :-))

    Så helt underbart 'vilt' det ser ut på nedersta bilden med jätteverbenena som växer upp ur gruset.

    Stoooor kram

  21. Hittade hit idag och vilken LYCKA! Så många vackra bilder och härlig inspiration.

    Önskar en trevlig helg från ett soligt Skåne/Gunilla

  22. Beauty and grace here, looking forward to what fall brings for you.

    Inspiring beauty.


  23. Kära Helena,

    Som alltid är det en ren fröjd att få följa med på dina promenader genom det engelska landskapet och få njuta av allt det vackra genom dina bilder och ord. Tack för att vi får följa med.

    Jag hoppas att ni njuter av lika ljuvliga höstdagar som vi gör här i Skåne? Sommaren var helt magisk i år och hösten har fortsatt på samma vackra sätt. Igår hade vi 20 grader, solsken och en strålande blå himmel. Brittsommar av allra ljuvligaste sort mitt i ett landskap som just nu befinner sig mitt i en färgexplosion. Så otroligt vackert!

    Ta hand om dig kära vän och ha det gott i höstsolen!♥

    Kram Lotta

  24. Beautiful photos for us garden lovers. I tossed out some larkspur seeds today in the garden hoping for more beauty next spring!

  25. Votre blog est magnifique, je rêve de venir passer quelques jours pour visiter ces merveilles !
    Merci pour le partage de si belles photos !
    Anne-Michèle (France)

  26. Oj så fina bilder!

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