Wednesday, 13 July 2011

A place to rest...

Summer days are lazy days...

... and this armchair is a favourite spot all year round to "collapse" in 
whenever collapsing is required... 

Normally it has not got a foot rest, but when we really feel like indulging ourselves, the basket from the wall on the left is pulled over to accommodate tired legs. From here, you have a view into the garden and it is also the perfect spot to enjoy watching someone else cook...

Some of you who have followed my blog for a while, may remember that this is usually the spot from which  my grandparents (see image below) follow the moves and lives of the Swenglish family members. However,  inspired by the nautical tunes of our beach trip to Cornwall, I felt like moving a few cushions around and make room here for a more New England-inspired atmosphere, with the chequered star cushion (made from fabric from a dress I never wore...).

The wooden tray hosts a mix of cream ceramics, 
among which is this little bowl from Maisons du Monde:

The ceramic bottle was a find (£ 2) at a French-inspired "brocante" in Bath last month, but the real treasure here, I think, is the "foot warmer" (below, left) with the wonderful text " Doulton's Improved Foot Warmer". When, a few years ago, the man in the house came home from an antiques market carrying this, I confess I was not entirely over the moon, but today I love this quirky little beauty! Boring rubber hot water bottles - be gone!


Another very tranquil place is a small church just outside our neighbour village Box.

(Bench outside the church.)

Regardless of whether one has a religious faith or not, I think many churches offer a wonderful 
place to catch your breath and quietly contemplate the wonders of the world...

(Church door.)

Wishing you a restful weekend!


  1. Så fint du har det, dörren är helt magiskt fin! och så gott det ser ut med krusbären som ligger där och ser så smarriga ut i den fina skålen...Kram Johanna

  2. Beautiful photos. That looks like a restful spot indeed.
    Wish you a restful, peaceful week too!

  3. I love love your photos!!!
    See you tomorrow my darling friend...
    Have a nice day

  4. Kjære, snille Helena!

    Huset ditt er bare magisk med detaljer som er så utrolig spesielle...den døren er bare helt fantastisk!!!
    Håper du nyter sommeren i ditt vakre hjem...jeg er litt misunnelig for min del som har en mamma og en søster i Southend i disse dager, vet ikke om det er i nærheten av deg men Engeland er så vakkert uansett hvor man er så det spiller jo ingen rolle:)
    Ønsker deg en fortsatt deilig sommer!

    Stooor klem!

  5. Beautiful!! I want everything in your photographs. I bought Gooseberry and Elderflower preserve at one of the open gardens in my village recently - it was GORGEOUS!!!

  6. Helena your restful spot looks wonderful, as does your photography. I love the photos of the church. As for your ceramics I NEED them all, especially the little foot warmer, my toes get cold here in the North.

  7. Det är en jättefin hörna med fåtöljen, jag gillar din New-England stil. Du inreder med säker hand, allt blir så snyggt hos dig. Och så fint foto på kyrkdörren.
    Glad sommarkram

  8. Åh så snyggt att man dånar!!!! Du har så himla fint och dina bilder är så välgjorda, du är ett fullblodsproffs!!!

    Ha en fortsatt skön sommar!!!! Soliga hälsningar från Nordingården

  9. Fina bilder och skön hörna för lata stunder. Tycker mycket om dörrar och fönster som finns i kyrkor, så underbart utsmyckade. Ha en Skön dag//Christina

  10. Som hämtat ur en inredningstidning! Väldigt vackra bilder på en hörna som jag mer än gärna hade slagit mig ner i en stund. Häftigt med äpple på lampan också. Du har så många fina, bra och roliga idéer!
    Håller med dig om att kyrkor ofta bjuder på ett lugn och en eftertänksamhet. Kyrkan du fotograferat bjuder ju dessutom på mycket vackert att titta på.
    Kram Maria

  11. Jättefina bilder och väldigt inspirerande. Jag får genast lust att styla om:-)


  12. Beautiful room Helena, you so creative, what insight to make a cushion so beautiful from a dress you do not wear anymore. Love the ceramics too, I have seen hot water bottles before in beige and browns but that one is so pretty. I will be in Henley from tomorrow until the 24th of July, not taking a car or renting one, so perhaps will not get to meet up this time, hopefully next time. In the meantime I will enjoy my visits to your beautiful blog. Big hugs, Margie.

  13. Hi Helena! I found you through Silvia's blog..I absolutely love your style and photo's :)
    I'm your new follower!
    A big hug

  14. Your blog and photos are exquisite! So very creative and soothing! Just love your finds and your cozy spot! We all need one!!! The church is beautiful - they are places of sanctuary, hope and retreat - I am so thankful that God has so inspired people to create places to go, to be and to believe.
    Thank you for sharing!

  15. I came here by way of Sylvia's blog from Brenda's welcome wagon. I love your blog. Your pictures are beautiful. I have the very same clock . Identical. The same distresses as yours. Wish my house looked like yours.

  16. What a lovely little spot for you to sit and rest your weary body. I adore the little foot warmer and the ceramic bowl of goose berries. Those bring back lots of memories of picking and cleaning when I was a kid.
    I found you through my sweet friend Silvia of Shabby Soul, what a lovely guest post you did there. Your home is beautiful, a very nice mix!
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. Jeg skulle gjerne kollapset i stolen din, Helena! Jeg elsker den deilige atmosfæren i bildene dine. Og den kirken så helt utrolig flott ut!
    Håper du nyter deilige feriedager, Helena!

  18. Hej Helena,

    Kyrkor inger ett lugn så snart man klivit över tröskeln. Gamla byggnader och historia... funderar alltid på hur livet såg ut för de som utförde dessa fantastiska hantverk. Ännu mer sen jag läste Pillars of the Earth av Ken Follett för ett par år sedan.

    Kollapsa i din fåtölj ser underbart skönt ut. Jättesnyggt med det marina temat. Fotvärmaren en finurlig uppfinning, ganska söt tycker jag. Det är ju "tur" att man kan ändra sig angående oväntade fynd ;)

    Har hälsat på hos Shabby soul. Verkligen mysig blogg. Kul att du fick vara gäst.

    Kram och trevlig helg!

  19. Hello, Helena. I discovered (through Cozy Little House's Welcome Wagon) Shabby Soul, which led me to you. I have truly enjoyed exploring some of your posts. I would like to add you to my blogroll and plan to click the "follow" button. I've done a bit of traveling in England and love the village photos, as well as your beautiful, comfortable home.

  20. Oj, oj, oj, vilken mysig hörna!
    En sån vill jag ha en dag. ;o)
    Härliga puter, mysig fåtölj, vackert fotstöd, fina lådor, goda äpplen...rena paradiset du fått ihop dr i hörnet.

  21. I Love your Blog !

    Thank you for the amazing photos!

    i'm your new follower!

    greatings from switzerland

    Jacqueline ♡

  22. I do not speak English and I'm very sorry, but my eyes see us well and so I appreciate every single thing of your blog even when the words remain unknown. Congratulations!
    Monica from Italy

  23. I have just come over here from Silvia's and I am so happy to find you. What a calm haven you have. I wrote on Silvia's post that I like homes that have that feel of the doors between the inside and outdoors is barely there. Your home feels like that to me. It is difficult to create that feeling in the California suburbs where the landscape is disappearing and trees are lacking. Your home is very open like mine and someday when we can either put wood or stone flooring in it will make a world of difference creating that monastery feel I'm fond of. Thank you for the inspiration. I know my Carpenter husband will appreciate the wood beams and accents of your home.

  24. I do not speak English and I'm very sorry, but my eyes see us well and so I appreciate every single thing of your blog even when the words remain unknown. Congratulations!
    Thanks for post.

    z rest footrest


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