Summing up summer so far...
After the long, long wait, the classrooms finally closed their doors for the last time...for now... The weather gods must have heard our pleas for some summer to match the holiday bearing its name, and suddenly our senses were filled with light. Everybody seemed to be walking around beaming as if in competition with the sun itself, sweating in warm temperatures but without a word of complaint, as if worried that would jinx this rare ray-ed event...
So what have the Swenglish family been occupying themselves with this first glorious week of "freedom"?
Well, quite a bit of...:
A little bit of...:
(The beautiful walk back from the beach The Cliffs Bay in Wales, with the little river and the castle ruin on the hill top...)
Some of us have spent some time on...:
... others have done more of...:
All of us have done a little bit of...:
(Canoeing down the river Wye in Wales.)
Oh, and some of us... well, one of us, might just have done a bit more of...:
Some of us even got to say hello to...:
(Stunning sand sculpture exhibition on the beach in Weston-Super-Mare.)
And for those of you having spent the past week sleepless, pondering over the fate of my trusty, awfully scruffy rustic wooden bench that had to step aside to make room for the iron lady in the previous blog post... Well, worry no longer. It has just moved a little north east, ca 8-10 steps from its previous location:
Looking at these images now, I realise they let out small puffs of vaguely autumnal air...
But no, we are not there yet. Let's instead focus for a brief but blissful moment on these biscuits I shamelessly tease you with here. Dear, oh dear. Blogging is definitely a hazardous hobby if one is the slightest bit concerned about the bikini season... I can't remember in which wonderful blog I stumbled upon the recipe for these Nutella biscuits, but I knew the moment I saw it that my nutty fate was sealed!
Bench-lovers, look away now, as I declare the fate of the even more scruffety-scruff-health and safety hazard rustic bench that previously occupied this place. No, I don't think I can be blunt enough to say it out loud. Let's just say it has gone to meet its bench makers...and that it was a very heated goodbye...
Oh, and soon, we'll be doing A LOT of...:
Thank you SO much for visiting my blog and for all the kind, kind comments you leave here.
I read and reread them and store them in my mental goodie jar,
labelled HAPPINESS.
I hope you are doing A LOT of whatever makes your summer
just that little bit extra special!